Normally the helpDesk users has only read only access to the users information.Please find the below steps to give previlages as only READ access.
1.Login as Admin(XELSYSADM) User.
2.Manage Organization --> Search for the orgzanization-->Select the organisation
3.Select "Administrative Groups" from the drop down --> Assign(or create) the Group and Give "Read" Access.
4.Now go the user(say 785444) which needs the user with only read access
5.Assign the group to the user(785444)
6.NOw login as the user(785444)
7.The user will have only read access.
I am expertise in OIM-User Provisioning.I have experience in both 10G and 11G versions.This Blog helps you in understanding the concepts releated to OIM-UserProvisioning.I mainly tried covering the usage of OIM OOTB connectors,custom connectors,custom adaptors and also the customized usage of OIM API.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Code to create Accesspolicy through code OIM API
public class AccessPolicy {
static ReadProperty readProperty = new ReadProperty();
public long returnVal = -1;
public static String homeDir = readProperty.getProp("homeDir");
public static String policyDir = readProperty.getProp("policyDir");
public static String confDir = readProperty.getProp("confDir");
public static String username = readProperty.getProp("username");
public static String password = readProperty.getProp("password");
public static String providerUrl = readProperty.getProp("providerUrl");
public tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory;
public tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility;
public tcGroupOperationsIntf moGroupUtility;
public tcAccessPolicyOperationsIntf moAccesspolicyutility;
public tcObjectOperationsIntf moObjectUtility;
private HashMap
private long[] provObjKeys;;
private boolean[] revokeObjectIfNotApply;;
private long[] denyObjKeys={};
private long[] groupKeys = new long[1];
public String roleAuthenticate(String usr, String pass){
try {
System.setProperty("XL.HomeDir", homeDir);
System.setProperty("", policyDir);//server or client
System.setProperty("", confDir);//server or client
System.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", providerUrl);
usr = username;
pass = password;
ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting config =
Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env,usr,pass);
System.out.println("Getting utility interfaces...");
System.out.println("Connection Established");
moUserUtility = (tcUserOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
moGroupUtility = (tcGroupOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcGroupOperationsIntf");
Logger logger = oracle.j2ee.rmi.RMIMessages.getLogger();
return "Valid";
} catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Exception ");
return "Invalid";
public AccessPolicy()
policy = new HashMap
public long getGroupKey(String obj){
long key = 0;
try {
userMap.put("Groups.Group Name", obj);
tcResultSet moResultSet = moGroupUtility.findGroups(userMap);
for (int i=0; i < moResultSet.getRowCount(); i++){ moResultSet.goToRow(i); key = moResultSet.getLongValue("Groups.Key"); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return key; } public long getObjectKey(String object) { HashMap
long key = 0;
try {
objectMap.put("Objects.Name", object);
tcResultSet moResultSet = moObjectUtility.findObjects(objectMap);
if (moResultSet.getRowCount()==0)
System.out.println("Cannot get key value");
key = moResultSet.getLongValue("Objects.Key");
System.out.println("Key value " +key);
}catch(Exception e){
return key;
public void setPolicy(String policyName, String policyDescription) {
policy.put("Access Policies.Name", policyName);
policy.put("Access Policies.Description", policyDescription);
policy.put("Access Policies.Note", policyName);
policy.put("Access Policies.Retrofit Flag", "1");
policy.put("Access Policies.By Request", "0");
public HashMap
return policy;
public void setProvObjKeys(String objects) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(objects).useDelimiter(";");
int count =0;
System.out.println("Object count :" + count);
provObjKeys= new long[count];
revokeObjectIfNotApply= new boolean[count];
sc = new Scanner(objects).useDelimiter(";");
int i=0;
String obj;
System.out.println("Adding object" + obj);
public long[] getProvObjKeys() {
return provObjKeys;
public void setGroupKeys(String groups) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(groups).useDelimiter(";");
int i=0;
public long[] getGroupKeys() {
return groupKeys;
public boolean[] getRevokeObjectIfNotApply() {
return revokeObjectIfNotApply;
public long[] getDenyObjKeys() {
return denyObjKeys;
public long createAccessPolicy()
long policyKey = 0;
try {
policyKey= moAccesspolicyutility.createAccessPolicy(getPolicy(), getProvObjKeys(),getRevokeObjectIfNotApply(),getDenyObjKeys(),getGroupKeys());
} catch (tcAPIException e) {
} catch (tcObjectNotFoundException e) {
} catch (tcGroupNotFoundException e) {
} catch (tcInvalidAttributeException e) {
return policyKey;
public static void main (String[] args)
AccessPolicy temp = new AccessPolicy();
temp.roleAuthenticate("adminuser","test123");//MAkes connectio with OIM
temp.setPolicy("tempcode2","tempcode");//Passing accesspolicy name and description
temp.setProvObjKeys("OID;"resource"); //Policy name
temp.setGroupKeys("testgroup");//Group name
Monday, 29 August 2011
Code to create OIM groups thorugh API
public void creategroup(String creategrp){
userMap.put("Groups.Group Name", creategrp);
System.out.println("Group created is "+creategrp);
}catch(Exception e){
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
TO check whether the Schedule task is up and Running
Schedule Task Up
To make sure if your schedule task is up and running, you may go to
Code to enable the resources in resource profile for OIM users
If a user is disabled and all the resources are disabled then it has to enabled using code.
please find the code for that below.
public void Rejoin(String uid){
System.out.println("Inside Rejoin Method");
String str = "";
HashMap userMap = new HashMap();
try {
tcResultSet moObjectResultSet = moUserUtility.getObjects(getUserKey(uid));
userMap.put("Users.User ID", uid);
tcResultSet moResultSet = moUserUtility.findUsers(userMap);
for (int i=0; i < moResultSet.getRowCount(); i++){ moResultSet.goToRow(i); String Action = moResultSet.getStringValue("Users.Action"); System.out.println("Action value==>"+Action);
// if(Action.equals(Actionvalue_Rejoin)){
if(moObjectResultSet.getRowCount() < 1) { System.out.println("No Objects to deprovision."); } else { System.out.println("Starting to Deprovision Objects ..."); for (String column : moObjectResultSet.getColumnNames()) { System.out.println(column); } for (int j=0; j < moObjectResultSet.getRowCount(); j++){ moObjectResultSet.goToRow(j); String ResourceName = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue ("Objects.Name"); String object = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Users-Object Instance For User.Key"); String Status=moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Objects.Object Status.Status"); long tObjKey = new Long(object).longValue(); System.out.println("ResourceName=== > "+ResourceName);
System.out.println("object=== > "+object);
System.out.println("Status=== > "+Status);
System.out.println("Ignoring the resources with STATUS as provisioning");
String oim="Success";
//moUserUtility.disableAppForUser(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
//moUserUtility.revokeObject(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
System.out.println("Resources Enabled for user ..");
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException be){
System.out.println("Exception in deprovision==> "+ be);
catch(Exception e ){
System.out.println("deprovision==> Exception e");
please find the code for that below.
public void Rejoin(String uid){
System.out.println("Inside Rejoin Method");
String str = "";
try {
tcResultSet moObjectResultSet = moUserUtility.getObjects(getUserKey(uid));
userMap.put("Users.User ID", uid);
tcResultSet moResultSet = moUserUtility.findUsers(userMap);
for (int i=0; i < moResultSet.getRowCount(); i++){ moResultSet.goToRow(i); String Action = moResultSet.getStringValue("Users.Action"); System.out.println("Action value==>"+Action);
// if(Action.equals(Actionvalue_Rejoin)){
if(moObjectResultSet.getRowCount() < 1) { System.out.println("No Objects to deprovision."); } else { System.out.println("Starting to Deprovision Objects ..."); for (String column : moObjectResultSet.getColumnNames()) { System.out.println(column); } for (int j=0; j < moObjectResultSet.getRowCount(); j++){ moObjectResultSet.goToRow(j); String ResourceName = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue ("Objects.Name"); String object = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Users-Object Instance For User.Key"); String Status=moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Objects.Object Status.Status"); long tObjKey = new Long(object).longValue(); System.out.println("ResourceName=== > "+ResourceName);
System.out.println("object=== > "+object);
System.out.println("Status=== > "+Status);
System.out.println("Ignoring the resources with STATUS as provisioning");
String oim="Success";
//moUserUtility.disableAppForUser(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
//moUserUtility.revokeObject(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
System.out.println("Resources Enabled for user ..");
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException be){
System.out.println("Exception in deprovision==> "+ be);
catch(Exception e ){
System.out.println("deprovision==> Exception e");
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Code to revoke all the resouce that is provisioned to a user
System.out.println("Starting to Deprovision Objects ...");
for (int j=0; j < moObjectResultSet.getRowCount(); j++){
String ResourceName = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Objects.Name");
String object = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Users-Object Instance For User.Key");
long tObjKey = new Long(object).longValue();
System.out.println("Deprovisioning Object "+ResourceName);
//moUserUtility.disableAppForUser(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
moUserUtility.revokeObject(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
System.out.println("Deprovisioning Complete...");
for (int j=0; j < moObjectResultSet.getRowCount(); j++){
String ResourceName = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Objects.Name");
String object = moObjectResultSet.getStringValue("Users-Object Instance For User.Key");
long tObjKey = new Long(object).longValue();
System.out.println("Deprovisioning Object "+ResourceName);
//moUserUtility.disableAppForUser(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
moUserUtility.revokeObject(getUserKey(uid), tObjKey);
System.out.println("Deprovisioning Complete...");
Friday, 12 August 2011
Importing certificates in OIM(9102) using keytool
1.Get the certifivate from the target system that has to be imported in IDM.
To import
keytool -import -alias ALIAS -file CER_FILE -keystore MY_CACERTS -storepass PASSWORD
/u01apps/oraclesoa/jdk/jre/bin/keytool -import -alias OC4J -file /u01apps/PROD/NewCert/latestCrtAD/ProdAD.cer -keystore /u01apps/oraclesoa/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
To verify the certificates that has to be imported successfully
keytool -list -alias ALIAS -keystore MY_CACERTS -storepass PASSWORD
/u01apps/oraclesoa/jdk/jre/bin/keytool -list -alias OC4J -keystore /u01apps/oraclesoa/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
To delete
keytool -delete -alias Alias -keystore MY_CACERTS -storepass PASSWORD
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
IDM disaster recovery
In Production environment there are unavoidable cases that the live servers might go down.During this failure time disaster recovery should happen.Considering that there are two live environment(DC and DR)
In case of failure in DC,DR should be brought up
1.Export the OIM database schema using export from DC to DR.
2.Take the backup of the OIM_HOME in both the nodes 3.Backup the applications server files and its directories
Changes to be done in OIM
1.Bring down the application server in both the nodes.
Execute the command as given below.Goto the path
And execute ./opmnctl stopall
2.Copy the .xlKeystore ,.xldatabase and xlconfig.xml file from DC-Prod machine and copy these files in DR-Prod
3. Edit the xlconfig.xml file and locate the
Change the database details from DC-Prod to DR-Prod
4. Restart the application server in both the nodes.
Changes in DB
1.Take the backup of both dc-prod database as well as dr-prod database
2.Make sure that the DB schema username is same in both DC as sell as DR database.
Ex: xloim in both the databases.
3.Export the database from DC-Prod and import it into DR-Prod
4.Restart the database in DR-Prod.
Tips to Troubleshoot
1.After following the steps to cloning and still you are unable to login to the application using xelsysadm , login to database instances in both DC-Prod and DR-Prod and execute
select usr_password from USR where USR_LOGIN='XELSYSADM';
This will query a encrypted value.The encrypted value should be same in both DC and DR. If the value is not same, then the password is different for both the databases.
2.Login to the Admin Console and change the password as usual.
3.Open xlconfig.xml present in OIM_home/xellerate/config folder.
4.In the scheduler section, add the XLPassword line as shown below:
xlusername xelsysadm XLUserName
xlpassword encrypted="false">NEW PASSWORD XLPassword
5.Restart the OC4J application server.
6.After confirming that you can log on to the Admin Console with the new password AND that the scheduler can start tasks with the new log on information, you can delete the backup xlconfig.xml.0 file that now exists in the config folder.
In case of failure in DC,DR should be brought up
1.Export the OIM database schema using export from DC to DR.
2.Take the backup of the OIM_HOME in both the nodes 3.Backup the applications server files and its directories
Changes to be done in OIM
1.Bring down the application server in both the nodes.
Execute the command as given below.Goto the path
And execute ./opmnctl stopall
2.Copy the .xlKeystore ,.xldatabase and xlconfig.xml file from DC-Prod machine and copy these files in DR-Prod
Files to be copied | Path of the file in DC-Prod | Path of the file in DR-Prod |
.xlkeystore | oim_server/xellerate/config | oim_server/xellerate/config |
.xldatabasekey | oim_server/xellerate/config | oim_server/xellerate/config |
Xlconfig.xml | oim_server/xellerate/config | oim_server/xellerate/config |
Change the database details from DC-Prod to DR-Prod
4. Restart the application server in both the nodes.
Changes in DB
1.Take the backup of both dc-prod database as well as dr-prod database
2.Make sure that the DB schema username is same in both DC as sell as DR database.
Ex: xloim in both the databases.
3.Export the database from DC-Prod and import it into DR-Prod
4.Restart the database in DR-Prod.
Tips to Troubleshoot
1.After following the steps to cloning and still you are unable to login to the application using xelsysadm , login to database instances in both DC-Prod and DR-Prod and execute
select usr_password from USR where USR_LOGIN='XELSYSADM';
This will query a encrypted value.The encrypted value should be same in both DC and DR. If the value is not same, then the password is different for both the databases.
2.Login to the Admin Console and change the password as usual.
3.Open xlconfig.xml present in OIM_home/xellerate/config folder.
4.In the scheduler section, add the XLPassword line as shown below:
xlusername xelsysadm XLUserName
xlpassword encrypted="false">NEW PASSWORD XLPassword
5.Restart the OC4J application server.
6.After confirming that you can log on to the Admin Console with the new password AND that the scheduler can start tasks with the new log on information, you can delete the backup xlconfig.xml.0 file that now exists in the config folder.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Deploying SPML webservice in OIM
Note: While installing Oracle Identity manager itself,You will have the OIMSpmlWS.ear in the OIM_HOME/SPMLWS
OIM Version:9102(BP12)
Application server:Oracle application server
To deploy
1.Goto $OIM_HOME/setup and execute
#./ appserver_admin_password oim_db_user_password
eg#./ admin123 admin123
Check if the deployment is done properly in the log $OIM_HOME/Logs/spml-oc4j.log
For non-clustered environment performing the above step is enough.
For clustered environment, you have to perform an additional step.
1.Open OC4J_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_instance/config/application.xml
In the imported-shared-libraries section of the application.xml file, change import-shared-library name="apache.commons.logging" to remove-inherited name="apache.commons.logging".
OIM Version:9102(BP12)
Application server:Oracle application server
To deploy
1.Goto $OIM_HOME/setup and execute
#./ appserver_admin_password oim_db_user_password
eg#./ admin123 admin123
Check if the deployment is done properly in the log $OIM_HOME/Logs/spml-oc4j.log
For non-clustered environment performing the above step is enough.
For clustered environment, you have to perform an additional step.
1.Open OC4J_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_instance/config/application.xml
In the imported-shared-libraries section of the application.xml file, change import-shared-library name="apache.commons.logging" to remove-inherited name="apache.commons.logging".
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