Sunday, 3 July 2011

Creating Custom adaptors in the design console

1.1Deploying the Adaptor

After developing the Custom code, make it as jar(eg:customadaptor.jar) and deploy in $OIM_Home/JavaTasks

*Change the owner of the jarfile from root to oracle(User other than Superuser)
*Give rwx permissions to the jar file
*Add the dependent jar files to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/ext

1.2.Create Adaptor

Open the Oracle Identity manager design console and proceed with the creation of adaptor.

a.Goto development tools-->Adaptor Factory
b.Enter the Adaptor name,adaptor type(select from the populated values) and description values.
c. Save.
d. Goto to Variable List Tab and Enter the Attributes
e. click Add

Add all the variable as above,after adding the attributes will be displayed like the below Screenshot
f.Now move to Adaptor tasks tab and click Add, Select Functional task and Java and click continue
g.Select New Object Instance and continue(A new Screen appears)
h.Enter a task Name
In the API Source select the jar file name(i.e Customadaptor.jar)
Select the Application API,Constructors,Methods and Save.The parameters will get autopopulated in the Application Methods Parameters
i.Mapping has to be done now
And click set
And click Set
j.Save after adding all the Parameters.
k.Compile the Adaptor(Click on the Built button).
The Compile status will change from Recompile to OK
With this the creation of Adaptor is complete.

1.3.Creating PrePopForm Adaptor

b. Goto to Variable List Tab and Enter the Attributes
c. click Add
e.In the Adaptor Tasks Tab,Select Add
f.Click Continue
The adaptor task tab will display like below.
h.Compile the Adaptor.
i.Click on the Built button
The Compile status will change from Recompile to OK
With this the creation of pre-pop Adaptor is complete.

1.4. Form Designer

a.Navigate through the development tools-Form Designer
b.Enter the table name:UD_(will be taken automatically).
d.Goto Additional Columns tab and click Add
f.GoTo Properties Tab,The parameters will be displayed,
g.Click Add Property
h.For lookup field(create the lookup before adding properties as in Point no 3)
i.Click add properties
k.After adding properties,The form Designer properties tab will look like follows
l.In prepopulate tab,Enter the mappings as in screen shot

1.5 Creating Lookup

a.Goto->Administration -->LookUp definition
b.Enter lookup.PSCustpm.Role in the code column
c.Enter Group:PSCustom and save
The add button will get activated.
Enter the roles needed.

Doing prepopulate in lookup
a.Goto prepopulate Tab, Click add
In the adaptor variables,Do the mapping

1.6.Resource Management

a.Goto Resource Mangement->Resource Objects
b.Enter Name:PSCustomRole
d.Select Object Reconcilation Tab(Reconcilation Fields)and click Add
e.Move to reconciliation Action Rules Tab,Select Add

1.7.Process Definition
a.Goto Process mangement->Process Definition
c.Goto Reconcilation Field Mappings Select Add Field Map
d.Select Tasks Tab and click Add
e.Save it.
f.Goto Integration Tab ,In the Event handler/Adaptor,Select Add
g.In the Adaptor variable,the status in now N,
h.Map the variables to Y and save
i.In the responses Tab,Select Add and add the responses and save
j.In the Tasks tab,the newly mapped apaptor is added as shown in screenshot

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